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[2040 인류 멸망 시나리오] 지구온난화 위험에 은행이 드디어 나서다! Banks Are Finally Starting to Account for Climate Change Risk Hidden carbon footprints on the books could be the next dodgy mortgage. ○ dodgy: 의심스러운, 위태로운, 부정직해보이는, 부실한 Behind the scenes at some of the world’s biggest banks, small teams of employees are busy trying to calculate what might prove to be one of the most important numbers any financial institution will ever disclose: how much the ass.. 2019. 11. 21.
미국은 관세 인상 덜고, 중국은 농산물 수입하고 - 트럼프와 시진핑의 미니딜 1단계 China tries to squeeze more out of a small trade deal with America China wants to see American tariff cuts as a show of good faith THE TRADE conflict between China and America has been a clash not just of giant economies but of utterly different public negotiating styles. In one corner are President Donald Trump’s tweets, in which he veers between heaping praise on China and declaring that he ha.. 2019. 11. 21.
[세계 부의 법칙] 0.0001% 억만장자가 되는 법은 반시장적 독점? Have billionaires accumulated their wealth illegitimately? The economics of billionaires ○ illegitimately: 위법으로, 부당하게 ○ billionaires: 억만장자들, 갑부들 BILLIONAIRES HAVE never exactly been popular with the radical left. But with a member of the nine-zero club sitting in the White House, and a decade of slow growth in living standards, some Democrats have taken to attacking billionaires to draw attentio.. 2019. 11. 21.
외국인 투자자들, 아베노믹스의 진정성에 의문을 갖다 이코노미스트의 2019년 10월 26일자 기사입니다. Japan’s new investment rules risk scaring off foreign investors 일본의 새로운 투자 법안이 외국인 투자자들을 쫓아내고 있다. Analysts suspect activist investors may be their real target 애널리스트들은 행동주의 투자자들이 실제 타겟이라고 추정하고 있다. “BUY MY ABENOMICS!”, Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, pleaded to the New York Stock Exchange in 2013. As he lowered the drawbridge to foreign investors, that pitch seeme.. 2019. 11. 21.