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지소미아 군사협정 조건부 연장(feat. 한일 무역 분쟁)

by 고라소니 2019. 11. 26.

■ 지소미아(GSOMIA)란?

한국과 일본이 체결한 유일한 군사협정이다.

지난 2016년 박근혜 정부가 북한의 병력 이동과 사회 동향, 북 핵·미사일 관련 정보 등을 일본과 공유하기 위해 체결함.

한국은 탈북자나 북·중 접경 지역의 인적 네트워크, 군사분계선 일대에서 수집한 대북 정보를 일본과 공유한다.

일본은 주로 북한의 중·장거리 미사일 실험이나 핵에 관한 기술 제원 분석 자료를 한국에 제공한다.


※ 블롬버그 2019년 11월 23자 기사 내용(영어 학습을 위해 인용하였습니다).

Japan, South Korea to Co-ordinate Summit in China Next Month


Terms of Trade is a daily newsletter that untangles a world embroiled in trade wars. Sign up here.

 embroiled: (언쟁 등에) 휘말리게 만들다

Japan and South Korea agreed Saturday to work toward a summit between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Moon Jae-in next month -- a breakthrough that came a day after the last-minute rescue of a military pact between the two nations.

Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha and her Japanese counterpart Toshimitsu Motegi agreed to co-ordinate the summit on the sidelines of a trilateral meeting with China, a Japanese official told reporters. Seoul the previous day reversed a decision to sever its General Security of Military Information Agreement with its neighbor.

sever: (관계·연락을 완전히) 끊다, 단절하다

The Japanese official asked not to be identified in discussing the meeting in the city of Nagoya, where a Group of 20 gathering of foreign ministers was taking place.

The decision on the military pact leaves the two U.S. allies the task of unpicking a complex web of other disputes that have flared over the past year. While South Korea’s change of heart was welcomed by the U.S., which had pressured Seoul to reverse course, the root causes of the friction that has spilled over to hurt business and tourism ties remain unresolved.

 flare: (보통 잠깐 동안) 확 타오르다

 unpick: 바늘 끝 따위로 실밥을 풀다, 실을 뽑아 풀다, 풀다, 바느질 자리를 트다.

Public opinion polls show neither Moon nor Abe has a political incentive to reduce tensions. Moon, whose support is sagging, faces a parliamentary election next year that will shape the second half of his term, while Abe is also struggling to quiet a scandal over spending on parties.

○ sag: 약화되다, (수적으로) 줄어들다


Why Japan and South Korea Have Their Own Trade Dispute

South Korea also announced it would temporarily withdraw a World Trade Organization complaint against Japan over its imposition of stricter checks on exports to its neighbor. Japan took that step earlier in the year amid a standoff over South Korean court decisions holding Japanese companies responsible for historical cases of forced labor.

 standoff: 교착 상태

Motegi told Kang that any attempt to liquidate the assets of Japanese companies would worsen relations still further, while adding that the poor state of ties should not be allowed to affect business and private-sector exchanges, the Japanese official said.

 Liquidate: 청산하다

Ill feeling over the disputes resulted in a two-thirds decline in the number of South Koreans visiting Japan in October. Japan’s exports to South Korea also fell by 23% in October.

 ill: 불길한

The two countries are set to discuss the export controls in a separate forum, though it’s unclear whether Japan -- which has insisted they are a national security matter not connected with other disputes -- is prepared to compromise.

Japan was also angered by South Korea’s decision to disband a fund aimed at compensating women trafficked to its military brothels before and during World War Two. Tokyo had paid a billion yen ($9.2 million) in a “final and irreversible” 2015 agreement with Moon’s predecessor in its latest bid to resolve the problem.

 brothel: 매매춘을 하는 집, 사창가의 집

