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2019, EU 범죄조직의 최고 수익원은 마약 밀매- 값싸고 순도 높은 온라인 거래 증가세

by 고라소니 2019. 11. 26.

EU drug agency sees rising gang violence amid steady prices

By BARRY HATTON, 2019-11-26

LISBON, Portugal (AP) — The European Union agency that monitors drug use says it has detected a trend of escalating violence between gangs operating on the continent.

The development of new synthetic drugs and changes to traditional supply routes feeding drugs into Europe are bringing gangs into conflict, the agency said in its annual report published Tuesday.

The online sale of synthetic opioids creates new and unwelcome competition for heroin suppliers, for example.

○ opioids: 아편

These developments “create the conditions for disruptive criminal business models, greater competition and associated conflict, with the potential for an increase in harms, including violence, associated with the drug market,” the report said.

○ disruptive: 파괴적인, 와해적인, 차질을 야기하는, 지장을 주는

“Drug market-related violence and intimidation is a growing concern in the EU,” it added.

“In addition to firearms, including automatic weapons, the use of hand grenades and explosives in the context of drug-related violence appears to be increasing.”

○ firearms: 권총 따위의 소형 화기

○ automatic weapons: 자동 화기

The agency’s chief, Alexis Goosdeel, said authorities must make fighting drugs “an urgent priority.”

“This report is a clear wake-up call for policymakers to address the rapidly growing drug market, which is increasingly global, joined-up and digitally enabled,” Goosdeel said in a statement.

○ wake-up call : 모닝콜, 사람들의 주의를 촉구하는 일, 경종을 울리는 일

○ address: (문제·상황 등에 대해) 고심하다[다루다]

○ joined-up: ~와 연합하다, 동맹 협력을 맺다, 힘을 모으다

○ Alexis Goosdeel: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) 리스본 지역 총괄 부서장

European consumers increasingly have access to “a wide variety of high-purity and high-potency products,” the agency said.

○ potency: (사람의 심신에 영향을 미치는) 힘, (약 등의) 효능

It added that these products are available at the same price or cheaper than over the past decade.

Europe’s biggest market is for cannabis, worth at least 11.6 billion euros ($12.8 billion) in 2017, followed by cocaine with an estimated minimum market value that year of 9.1 billion euros ($10 billion).

○ cannabis: 대마초


The Lisbon, Portugal-based European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction notes in its report Tuesday that illicit drugs are “the most valuable market” for criminal organizations in the EU.
