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오늘은 06/22/2019 자 Economist의 기사를 살펴볼텐데요.
기사 제목은 Andrew Yang, prophet of doom 입니다.
Andrew Yang, prophet of doom
ANDREW YANG, the New York entrepreneur running for the Democratic presidential nomination, cannot be accused of lacking confidence. “I only see two outcomes in this race. One, I win. Or, two, someone else wins and takes the vast majority of my ideas into the White House,” he says from his campaign headquarters in midtown Manhattan. By branding himself a doomsayer of the impending automation apocalypse, which he warns will destroy most jobs and roil society, Mr Yang has cultivated a devoted following—leapfrogging better-known candidates like Bill de Blasio, the city’s mayor, and Kirsten Gillibrand, one of New York’s senators. In such a crowded field, with roughly two dozen contenders, scoring 1% in the polls is no small feat. But becoming a serious contender is a different matter. Mr Yang hopes his break will come in the upcoming primary debate in Miami, where he will share the stage with heavyweights like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders.
■ 고라소니와 함께하는 영어 표현 익히기
○ doom: 죽음, 파멸
○ roil: 액체를 휘젓다, 흐리게하다, 교란하다, 파도가 넘실거리다, 소용돌이 치다
○ leapfrog: 등 짚고 뛰어넘기, 토끼뜀하다
○ contender: 도전자, 경쟁자
○ apocalypse: 종말, 지구 파멸
His appeal hinges on an economic anxiety that borders on outright fear. Mr Yang decided to call his campaign book “The War on Normal People”. In it he describes the advent of automation and artificial intelligence as “very scary”. He warns that millions of truck-drivers forced out of work by self-driving cars and retail workers done in by automated kiosks could riot. “If we don’t start getting ahead of that curve, we’re going to be doomed to worse than Donald Trump over time,” he says. The antidote to this impending calamity is a universal basic income (UBI) of $1,000 a month for each and every American adult, which Mr Yang calls a Freedom Dividend, because that polls better. At times, Mr Yang’s Freedom Dividend is almost a universal panacea: it is his first answer when asked about combating poverty, spurring entrepreneurship, narrowing the racial wealth gap and reversing educational disparities between the rich and the poor. But the idea has cross-ideological appeal—both to libertarians who think the government does least harm by shovelling cash to people, and to bleeding hearts concerned with the plight of the poor and downtrodden. Devotees, who call themselves the Yang Gang, throng his rallies wearing hats emblazoned with the word “MATH” (for which the acronym “Make America Think Harder” has been devised).
■ 고라소니와 함께하는 영어 표현 익히기
○ hinge on: 전적으로 ~에 달려 있다.
○ borer on sth: (특히 좋지 않은 강력한 성질.감정)에 아주 가깝다, 거의 ~에 달하다.
○ calamity: 재앙, 재난
○ downtrodden: 혹사당하는, 탄압받는, 짓밟힌
○ throng: 인파, 군중
○ rally: 특정 정당등을 지지하기 위한 대규모 집회(대회), 힘을 합친 것(한데 모임)
○ emblazon: 상징이나 문구 등을 선명히 새기다
“This is not a lefty idea,” Mr Yang says, noting that the country’s red-leaning rural interior would gain most from his proposal: “The one state that has a dividend right now is Alaska, which is a deep-red conservative state.” Alaska’s universal benefit, paid out of oil revenues, is typically less than $2,000 per year. Mr Yang’s proposal is six times as generous—offering $12,000 per year—and would cost roughly $2.8trn (the entire annual budget, encompassing defence spending, Social Security, Medicare and everything else, is $4.4trn). How this will be paid for is unclear. Mr Yang has proposed introducing a value-added tax and extracting sufficiently large sums from the tech firms automating jobs away.
■ 고라소니와 함께하는 영어 표현 익히기
○ 여기에서 주목할 것은 좌익을 표현하는 단어들입니다.
Its cost does not make the Freedom Dividend an outlier in the primary debate. Most of the Democratic candidates are pitching multi-trillion plans of one sort or another. Mr Sanders wants Medicare for all (which Mr Yang and many of his competitors also endorse), while Elizabeth Warren would like to channel a few trillion towards green manufacturing, free college and universal child care. All these ideas would have seemed like fringy leftism to mainstream Democrats just four years ago. Mr Yang’s chief contribution might follow similar lines: he could hope to inject his ideas into the mainstream of Democratic politics.
His most valuable policy contributions may lie elsewhere, however. Mr Yang argues, more persuasively than most politicians, that he chooses his positions on data and evidence. His campaign website sports (at last count) 106 proposals, running from the consequential—imposing a tax on carbon pollution, legalising marijuana, decriminalising opioids and reforming zoning rules—to the zany, like offering free marriage counselling to all. Many of them are quite sensible.
A good few are refreshingly unorthodox too. Mr Yang has not shied away from pointing out the errors in the thinking of his competitors. He thinks a federal jobs guarantee—embedded in the widely accepted proposal for a Green New Deal—is a “well-intended but terrible idea”. The “liberal training fantasy”—turning coal miners into coders—is mere “wish-fulfilment as policy talk”. He’d like to “break the stranglehold that college has on learning” that pushes Democrats to prefer free university tuition to vocational training. He is one of the few candidates willing to publicly admit that charter schools, which are government-funded but privately run, are not abominable. “I’m pro-good school, and there are some very good charters. I think the Democrats, who are frankly just jumping into bed with the teachers’ unions, are doing our kids a disservice.” Among the ideas that an eventual White House occupant will inevitably steal from him, those would be the right ones to start with.
■ 고라소니와 함께하는 영어 표현 익히기
○ outlier: 특이치, 방외인, 열외자, 보통 사람의 범주에서 벗어나는 것.
○ endorse: 공개적으로 지지하다
○ fringy: 술 모양의, 술로 장식한, 더부룩하다
○ opioid: 아편의, 아편 비슷한 작용을 가진 합성 마취약, 아편 모양의, 오피오이드
○ zany: 어릿광대, 바보, 어릿광대 같은
○ unorthodox: 정통이 아닌, 이교의, 이단의
○ coder: 컴퓨터 프로그래머, 정보를 기호화하는 사람
○ charter: 헌장, 전세내다, 승인하다, 특허, 공립의
○abominable: 가증스러운 ,진저리나는, 불쾌한
○ disservice: 구박, 학대
Andrew Yang, prophet of doom
Pessimism delights primary voters
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